
Modern Foreign Languages

“Do you know what a foreign accent is? It’s a sign of bravery.” Amy Chau

“You live a new life with every language you speak. If you only know one lanuage, you live only once”  Eastern European proverb

“A different language is a different version of life” Federico Fellini



Our purpose of study for MFL


At Little Paxton Primary, our purose is to prepare our children to be brave global citizens.


Our aims for MFL


Through our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum, we aim to provide an opening to other cultures and foster a curiosity about the wider world. We aim to support the wider curriculum in creating a culture of tolerance and respect, where our children embrace both the similarities and differences within our own school community, but also the world beyond.


Our curriculum content for MFL

The language that we teach within Little Paxton is French. Our approach to teaching French is underpinned by an understanding that children gain a great sense of accomplishment from learning to say something in a foreign language.  By providing enjoyable and stimulating reading, writing and listening activities, along with frequent opportunities to perform verbally with one another, we will inspire a lifelong thirst and love for languages.