ART AND DESIGN“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” Albert Einstein
“Every child is an artist and shines its light.” Pablo Picasso
“Inhale possiblity, exhale creativity.” Laura Jaworski
Our purpose of study for art and design
At Little Paxton, our intention for the Art curriculum is to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, whilst equipping them with the key knowledge and skills to experiment, invent, create and to express themselves creatively. Skills, techniques and subject specific knowledge are built on during the children’s learning journey through school. This allows the children to develop their skills and progress creatively in an expansive manner.
Our aims for art and design
We recognise that it is important to teach children about a range of artists, the works that they have created, and to also have an understanding of how art has influenced history, contributed to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation and the world.
We aim to offer a variety of experiences where children work creatively using different techniques, exploring and recording their ideas.
Our content for ART AND design
Is planned so that it accessible for all our children. We maximise the developments of all abilities, enabling all children to learn about artists and to understand how the skills and knowledge they have learnt can be applied within their learning, visual literacy and self-expression.
Website by Orange Squash Agency