HISTORYHistory: our purpose
Our History curriculum is linked to each of our BIG questions which stimulates curiosity and independent thinking. Each BIG question has links to the National Curriculum in History and each skill is developed further, year on year, all linking to our local area and discovers how History has influenced not only the World but our local area too.
History: Our aims
Our aim is to help the children to know more and remember more about the past, the significant events and people and how these have shaped the way we live our lives today. We ensure the vocabulary we are using is built on each year to ensure this information is remembered. The children’s understanding is assessed throughout their topic as well as after to ensure this knowledge is ‘stuck’. Learning is then planned to ensure that any knowledge which needs overlearning is planned for. It is designed in a coherent way so that children can explore the different eras of the past.
our aims continued …
This will allow them to become even more effective historians, developing their use of questioning, interpreting evidence from a range of primary and secondary sources and developing their own thoughts based upon their findings. We help children understand the difficulties and challenges of people’s lives and the relationships between different groups. As well as reflecting on their own identity and how the past may have shaped them and their world around them.
Website by Orange Squash Agency