PE“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity” John F Kennedy
Never Stop Trying
“When you fall, get right back up. Just keep going, keep pushing it.” – Lindsey Vonn, skier
Our purpose of study for PE
Our school aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Through good physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best.
Our curriculum aims for PE
Through a balance of individual, paired and group activities, we aim to facilitate a love of PE for each child. We believe that through the variety of opportunities that PE and Sport can offer, children can develop a sense of personal achievement, fair play, teamwork and an understanding that sport can transcend social and cultural boundaries.
We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond.
Our content for PE
We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children’s well-being. We have strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community to ensure the children and families receive the support and knowledge they need.
We listen to our children’s wants and needs and provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs. We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes.
We are delighted to announce that we, Little Paxton Primary School, have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
Our sporting achievements this year include:
– We have had more children than ever before competing in school sport events.
(35 competitive events 2023/24 – 18 in 2022/23)
– Introduced more whole school exercise events like the Santa Dash and cross country competitions
– We attended more SEND sports events than ever before.
-SEND County Ten Pin Bowling champions
– Silver medal in the SEND Penathlon event.
– Our Year 5/6 girls football team finished 2nd in the Henson Cup
– Our Year 5/6 boys football team reached quarter finals of the Dickenson Cup
– Our Year 4 boys football team finished 2nd in the indoor futsal event.
– Our Year 3/4 girls won the St Neots Football Festival
– Year 5/6 children have competed in more intra-school competitions (Cross Country, Rounders and Athletics events)
– More extra-curricular sport offered than ever before: Boys/ Girls Football, KS1 Football, Flag Football, Dance, Multi Sports, Cricket.
– Some Year 5 children successfully completed Sports Leader training with Chance to Shine.
– Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 completed the Chance to Shine cricket programme.
We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible.
As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.
A special thanks to the Hunts School Sports Partnership, Primary Sports Starts, Chance to Shine Cricket and Miss Charlotte our school dance coach for helping us achieve this award.
We look forward to applying once again in 2025!
Website by Orange Squash Agency