Year 3

Owl & Nightingale

Welcome to Owl & Nightingale

Owl is taught by Miss L Milner and Nightingale is taught by Mrs E Jeakings.

Miss L Milner

Miss L Milner

Owl Class Teacher

Mrs E Jeakings

Mrs E Jeakings

Nightingale Class Teacher

things to celebrate

Our learning 24/25

Spring Term
Summer Term



Things you need to know

PE Days

Indoor PE 

Outdoor PE 

Home Learning

Reading for Pleasure Book – Your child will bring a book home which they want to read for pleasure. It may not be the same level as their AR book. They might read this to themselves or ask you to read it to them/share it with them.
• Little Wandle/AR book – This book your child will read to continue to develop their fluency and accuracy as it will be at the level to support their progress. Please record when they read this book in their reading record with any comments.
• Learning Task – This task will be linked to the learning during the past week (this will be optional). The curriculum area which it focuses on will vary each week based on the needs of the children in the year group.
• Spellings
Each week your child will have 8 spelling words to learn that will be ‘checked’. Their class teacher will communicate when the ‘check’ will be.
• TTRockstars
Your child should aim to log on and rock at least 3 times a week (their log in will be in their reading record)

School Trips

Summer Term Visit to Warwick Castle – details to follow