About Our SchoolOur Mission
What We Stand For
At Little Paxton Primary School we are proud to be a truly inclusive school where every child is valued and every child’s abilities are celebrated and encouraged.
Our ethos
Children are at the heart of everything we do
At Little Paxton Primary we work together to inspire our children to be the best they can be in everything they do. Our intention is to develop our children to become confident, respectful, resilient and valued members of our school, our community and our environment.
Our Aims and Expectations
Teaching the Professionals of tomorrow
We aim to provide a curriculum that develops our children to be curious, excited, ambitious, articulate, inspired and knowledgeable.
We promote fundamental British Values which are: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
Our expectations are that children are READY (to learn), RESPECTFUL (to everyone) and SAFE.
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