Our school serves the village of Little Paxton.
Moving from Nursery, Pre-school or Home to Little Paxton School
at IIf If yoAt Little Paxton Primary School we have close links with our feeder pre-schools and nurseries, of which we are very proud. Children are introduced to their new learning environment, their new teachers and part of the school routine before they start in September. Once we have the admissions information the Foundation and Key Stage One team begin visiting our feeder early-years settings. Our staff can get to know the children and begin a relationship. This also allows teachers and keyworkers to discuss the new intake. The children then have visits to our school where they have an opportunity to meet their new teacher and the other children who will be in their class, and to look round their new classroom. The children are usually very confident coming to school on their first day; this is as a result of good links between pre-school settings and the Foundation stage team.
Foundation 2025 applications
Cambridgeshire County Council have helpfully created a video that explains the application process.
You can watch the application guidance video here.
If you haven’t visited us yet, please book on to this tour by emailing office@littlepaxton.cambs.sch.uk
To help get your child ready for the school the BBC has created a whole wealth of information to support around bedtimes, toilet training, starting school. It includes helpful videos and lots of games. Take a look at the “Starting primary school” page on BBC Bitesize.
55In common with all Cambridgeshire schools we have a policy of ‘Early Admission’. This means that we offer a place in our Foundation Class at the start of the academic year in which a child attains the age of five, despite the fact that parents are not legally obliged to send their children to school until the term after the fifth birthday is attained. We believe that it is beneficial for all children to begin their learning journey as soon as possible.
For the first couple of weeks of the Autumn Term we operate a staggered part-time entry for the Foundation stage so that the youngest children are admitted gradually and have time to settle properly. This gradually builds up to full-time education. We tailor the length and style of the induction to each individual child.
For a place in our Foundation Class in any September you will need to have applied to the Local Authority (LA) by mid January of that year, as places are allocated in April by them; this is the National Closing Date. Depending on the number of applicants from within the village there may be places for children from further afield. Requests for places are decided upon using clearly defined criteria, and places are offered by the Admission Team based in Cambridge.
Applications for September 2025 foundation admissions open September 2024 and close on the 15th January 2025. National offer date 25th April 2025 (parents will be posted offer direct from Cambridgeshire County Council).
Click here to view the First Steps 2025/2026 information
The first couple of weeks of the Autumn Term we operate a staggered part-time entry for the Foundation stage so that the youngest children are admitted gradually and have time to settle properly. This gradually builds up to full-time education. We tailor the length and style of the induction to each individual child.
For a place in our Foundation Class in any September you will need to have applied to the Local Authority (LA) by mid January of that year, as places are allocated in April by them; this is the National Closing Date. Depending on the number of applicants from within the village there may be places for children from further afield. Requests for places are decided upon using clearly defined criteria, and places are offered by the Admission Team based in Cambridge.
There will normally be a meeting for parents and staff in May/June, once places have been centrally allocated, followed by several school time visits for the children, and a final meeting in July. We find that this structured introduction to school gives children and parents alike a gentle start to their new school career.
It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that when children are commencing school they are dry as part of their school readiness.
Health visitors are able to help prior to commencing school if anyone is struggling. If you are concerned and feel it may be a physiological problem you should take your child to your GP.
If you need further support with this please contact our office.
In Year Admissions
Please contact our admission department via County Council admissions for all in year admission applications.
Your can apply via In Year Admissions
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