Our best always

Governor Meeting Minutes

We publish two years of minutes on our website should you wish for a copy of previous years please email the Clerk to the Governors at clerk@littlepaxton.cambs.sch.uk

(please note the Resource and Finance and the Curriculum and Standards Committee have only been established since 2023-2024)

A Word

From Our Chair of Governors

Before I introduce myself, I’d first like to say a huge thank you to Miss Owen and the staff team who
have worked really hard to bring about so much change and improvement at Little Paxton. I’d also
like to thank Maxine Howells (out-going Chair of Governors) for all she has done to support Miss
Owen and the governing board – I certainly have big shoes to fill!
Some of you may already know me as I have held Finance, SEND governor and Vice Chair roles
previously and have got to know a number of families and your wonderful children on my visits to
the school. If we have not met, here is a quick bit about me: I’ve worked in education for over 20
years in a wide range of classroom and leadership roles. Most recently this was as Assistant Head in
specialist provision before I decided to set up my own business providing inclusion and leadership
advisory services to schools nationwide. This gives me a fascinating insight into what is happening
both locally and in the wider education landscape which I hope will be of benefit to the school and
governing body.
I am excited to take on the role of Chair, supporting Miss Owen and the staff team. I know she has
great ambition and drive to take the school even further and to build on what Little Paxton has
already achieved. I am sure you will have ideas too and I hope to meet as many of you as possible at
school events  

We are always interested in hearing from parents and members of the community who would like to join the governing body. If you would like to ask any questions or have an informal chat to find our more, please contact chair@littlepaxton.cambs.sch.uk  – Claire Cannon