
Getting Ready for School

Take a tour of our Foundation classrooms

With a little help from some of our children, our Foundation team are excited to invite you on a video tour of the their classrooms. At Little Paxton Primary we work together to inspire our children to be the best they can be in everything they do. Our intention is to develop our children to become confident, respectful, resilient and valued members of our school, our community and our environment.

Foundation 2024 applications 

Cambridgeshire County Council have helpfully created a video that explains the application process. You can watch the application guidance video here.

Please watch our tour video.

This year we are holding tours in person on the following dates and times.

We have one tour left 9.45am-10.15am on Wednesday 25th January 2024. Please book onto this tour to come and visit our amazing school by emailing If you would like to visit on an alternative date, we would love to show you round, please email the office.

To help get your child ready for the school the BBC has created a whole wealth of information to support around bedtimes, toilet training, starting school. It includes helpful videos and lots of games. Take a look at the “Starting primary school” page on BBC Bitesize.