The purpose of the School Health Service is to provide advice to parents, children and teachers on any health problems that may affect a child’s progress at school.
The School Doctor
School Doctors are Medical Practitioners who have undergone special training in developmental and educational medicine. They have a particular role in identifying the way in which medical conditions may affect a child’s ability to learn. They work closely with General Practitioners, Hospital Consultants and the Local Education Authority.
The School Nurse
Each school has a named School Nurse who is a Registered Nurse with further training. She assists at medical examinations and provides teaching and advice on health matters in co-operation with the Health Education Department. She undertakes home visits when necessary. She also liaises with other Health Service staff including Health Visitors, Physiotherapists, Speech Therapists and Audiometricians. Her details can be obtained from the school office.
Screening Tests
The following tests may be carried out while your child is at school:
- growth checks (by the School Nurse) at regular intervals.
- vision Screening
Any of the above can be done at other times at the request of a parent or teacher. You will, of course, be informed if any problems are found.
Normally medicines will NOT be administered to children in school. However, there are circumstances where children require regular prescription medication and in these cases a special request to administer it must be sought from the office and the appropriate form completed and signed.
Flu Vaccination
During the Autumn Term each pupil is invited to receive the Flu vaccine. This is in the form of a nasal spray and the health team will visit to administer.
Website by Orange Squash Agency